I am a writer, an author, and a student of life.
The latter sounds strange, but it is only true. I was 15 when this website was born; now 19. I am currently a junior in college, and the author of three books.
In my experience, it is unusual for someone so young to have written a full length book. The statement is quite impressive, and the task to other people of the same age seems daunting. But, beyond the precipice of the matter, the simplicity of how my love of writing came to be may tell the true normality that this feat has been.
My love for writing stemmed around 3rd grade. We were told to write freely in composition notebooks, with black and white covers and a binder without a ring. It seems the stars aligned at this point, becuase the freedom of having a blank canvas to fill with words was nothing short of amazing to me.
I would fill those books to the brim, from cover to cover. My teachers were both astonished at my capabilites, as well as the cost to buy more notebooks. Such a simple beginning started something that will most likely be poignant for the rest of my life.
Since then, I have published my first novel, along with taking endeavors in short stories, poetry, and more. My track coach strives to "focus on the process, and the results will follow," and I strive to live by those very words each and everyday.
It seems that I am ahead of the curve, but my road is just getting started.